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draw a square within the circle then draw a straight line between the two sets of opposite corners and where those lines cross is where the center of the circle is.

pick ne 3 points on the perimenter of the circle..... join the 1st point to the 2nd wit a straight line & the 2nd point to the 3rd.... bisect these 2 lines with a compass or simply find the midpoint of the lines.... if u hav bisected the lines draw a strange line thru the 2 points where the arcs cross and where the 2 lines meet is the centre point.... if u got the midpoints of the 2 lines just draw a pendicular line from the midpoint of both lines & again the centre is where the 2 lines meet.... (both methods are the same realie only 4 the fact that bisecting is more accurate!!!)

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Q: How do you find the middle point of a circular flat object?
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