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You can use Pythagoras theorem except for the fact that there's lots of problems with this. Lots of different rectangles can have a same length of diagonal. So I guess you should be a bit more specific.

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Q: How do you find the sides of a rectangle when you know the diagonal?
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How to find the area of a rectangle from diagonal?

You need to know more...either the angle or the length of one of the sides.

How do you find length of each diagonal of a rectangle?

If you know its dimensions then use Pythagoras' theorem to find the length of its diagonals.

How do you find the diagonal of a rectangle if you know the length and the angle?

You need to use trigonometry cosine (angle) = length/diagonal diagonal = length/cos(angle)

What is perimeter of a rectangle with a side of 8 and diagonal of 10?

To find the perimeter of a rectangle we need to know the length of its sides. P = 2L + 2W Let L = 8, and W = √(102 - 82) = √(100 - 64) = √36 = 6 (by the Pythagorean theorem, where the hypotenuse is the diagonal and legs are the sides of the rectangle). Thus, P = 2(8) + 2(6) = 16 + 12 = 28.

How can you find the length of a diagonal without measuring i?

If you know the length of the sides but not the diagonal, you can use the Pythagorean Theorem.

Are there another formulae in solving th diagonals of the rectangles?

Other than what? It really all depends on what is given. For example:If you know the length of one diagonal, the other is just as long.If you know the length and width of the rectangle, use Pythagoras' formula for the diagonal.If you know one of the sides of the rectangle, and an angle, use some basic trigonometry to find the diagonal.

How do you work out the diagonals of a rectangle?

Well, you know that in order to classify a shape as a rectangle all of the sides have to be congruent or 90 degrees. If you draw the diagonal of that rectangle, you come up with two right triangles. So you can use the Pythagorean theorem (a squared+b squared=c squared) to find out the diagonal. Ex: If the length=4, and width=3, then diagonal=5, because 4 squared+3 squared=5 squared.

If you know the perimeter of a rectangle but don't know the length of the sides can you find the area?


How do you find the width and length of a rectangle if you only know the diagnol?

If the only known fact is the length of the diagonal then the width and length of the rectangle CANNOT be determined. The diagonal could be that of a square, or of a rectangle that is very long but quite narrow. Consequently at least one more fact is required such as; the dimension of either the length or the width, or the angle that the diagonal makes to the base of the rectangle or even the area of the rectangle.

How do you find the length of a diagonal with the perimeter?

If you know the lengths of the four sides that make up the rectangle (I assume this question is referring to a rectangular object) you can use the pythagorean theorem (a^2 + b^2 = c^2) to solve for the length of the diagonal which is represented in the formula by the letter c.

How long is the diagonal of a rectangle with dimensions 7in by 10in?

You use the pythagorous theorm to calculate the hypotenuse of the triangle, which is the same line as the diagonal. 7(7)+ 10(10)= diagonal x diagonal 149= diagonal x diagonal Diagonal= square root of 149: this approximates to 12.207in Visit for more math help/tutoring! Consider a rectangle with dimensions 7 inches by 10 inches. Let ABCD be the rectangle. We need to find the length of the diagonal. We know that the diagonals of a rectangle are same in length. So, it is enough to find the length of the diagonal BD. From the rectangle ABCD, it is clear that the triangle BCD is a right angled triangle. So, we can find the length of the diagonal using the Pythagorean Theorem. BD2 = BC2 + DC2 BD2 = 102 + 72 BD2 = 100 + 49 BD2 = 149 BD = √149 BD = 12.207 So, the length of the diagonal is 12.21 inches. Source:

How do you find lengths of sides of square when know length of its diagonal?

A square has 4 sides of equal length (say x). The diagonal length = x * (2)^0.5 = 1.414x, from Pythagorus's theorem. So, dividing the diagonal length by the square root of 2 will be the answer.