If you want to find the surface of something, you must first specify which shape or object you wish to find the surface of, and need to say which area you are looking for, Lateral or Total surface area. Then someone will be able to answer your question.
to find the surface area you have to first find the area of each part then add the areas together.
It depends on the surface area of what!
The formula to find the surface area of a parallelogram is Base*Height.
the defnition of find the surface area of triangular prism and cylinder
on a 3D object to find the surface is to look on all flat surfaces. yourwelcome
You find the surface area of each of its six faces and add them together.
You will need to find the surface area of each face and add them together.
surface area of glass plate
Lenght X width = surface area
The surface-area-to-volume ratio may be calculated as follows: -- Find the surface area of the shape. -- Find the volume of the shape. -- Divide the surface area by the volume. The quotient is the surface-area-to-volume ratio.
You need to find the area of each two dimensional surface on the figure. Do you have a specific figure in mind?
If you are trying to find the number of square units on the surface of something, you find the area of that surface (the width times the height). The answer is written as units2