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Velocity=frequency*wavelength 6*2=12ms-1

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Q: How do you find the velocity of a wave with a frequency of 6 Hz and a wavelength of 2 m?
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Related questions

What is the formula to find the wave length?

Wavelength = velocity / frequency

How do wavelength and periods relate?

Wavelength*Frequency = Velocity of the wave. or Wavelength/Period = Velocity of the wave.

What is the equation for frequency of a wave?

velocity = frequency multiply wavelength Rearrange the equation to find the frequency

How do you calculate the speed of a wave?

you find out a waves speed by taking the wavelength and divide it by it's wave period or how long it takes for the wave to complete a full wavelength. This is what my textbook said. Speed=Wavelength ×Frequency

You can determine the velocity of a wave when given the frequency and the?

You can use the equation v=fw. that is velocity (in meters per second) equals the frequency (in hertz) times the wavelength (in meters). so you can find the velocity of a wave with the frequency and the wavelength.

A sound wave traveling at a speed of 340.0 meters per second has a wavelength of 1.25 what is the frequency?

Answer: frequency = 272 Hz. Given the wave velocity (speed of sound) and wavelength, find the frequency of the wave. Velocity = 340.0 m/s, Wavelength = 1.25 m. Formulas: Velocity = wavelength * frequency. Frequency = velocity / wavelength. Calculation: Frequency = (340.0 m/s) / (1.25 m) = 272 Hz. (Where Hertz = cycles / second.)

How is frequency related to velocity?

the velocity of a wave is given by frequency*its wavelength

What is the frequency of a wave with the velocity of 100ms and a wavelength of 20m?

velocity = frequency × wavelength frequency = velocity / wavelength f= 100 /20 f= 5 Hz

What can be determine from the frequency and wavelength of a wave?

The velocity of the wave

What is the formula to find the wavelength of a wave in a vacuum?

The wave speed equation proposes that: v = fw; where "v" is the wave's velocity, "f" is the wave's frequency, and "w" (more notably used as lambda) is the wave's wavelength. Manipulating the equation and solving for wavelength yields: w = v/f. Thus, if one knows both the velocity and frequency of a wave, he/she can divide velocity by frequency to determine the corresponding wave's wavelength.

How are wave length and wave frequency are related?

velocity = frequency x wavelength

What is the relationship between the frequency and the wavelength and angular velocity of electromagnetic wave?

Velocity equals frequency times wavelength