

How do you get the gcm of a number?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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7y ago

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The greatest common multiple of any set of integers is infinite.

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Q: How do you get the gcm of a number?
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What is the gcm of 10 and 300?

There can be no GCM since given any number with a claim to being a GCM, twice that number will be greater and it will be a common multiple.

What is the GCM of 109 and 420?

The GCM is an infinite number. The GCF is 1. The LCM is 45,780.

What is the gcm of 6 and 8?

If GCM stands for Greatest Common Multiple, there is no such number. This is because if x is claimed as the GCM then 2x is a common multiple of both 6 and 8 and 2x > x.

What is the LCM and gcm of 48 72 and 96?

LCM(48, 72, 96) = 288 There is no GCM because any multiple of 288 is a common multiple. If any number lays claim to being a GCM, then that number+288 will also be a common multiple and will be greater. And 288 more will be greater still. And so on.

What is the gcm of 55 and 38?

The GCM is infinite.

How do you reduce a number?

first:you find the gcm(greatest common factor)wich is the lowest number that can go evenly into the numerator and the denominator. next:you devide both the numerator and the denominator by that gcm(greatest common factor)and walla!

What is the GCM of 7 and 13?

There can be no GCM (Greatest Common Multiple). Suppose a GCM exists and suppose it is x. That is, x is the GCM of 7 and 13, then 2x is a multiple of both 7 and 13 and is greater than x. This contradicts the statement that x is the GCM. So x cannot be the GCM.

What is the GCM of 18 and 42?

GCM(18, 42) = 6

What is greatest common factor and how do you find it?

Greatest common factor (GCM) is the largest number that divides into 2 or more numbers. For example: The GCM for 12 and 18 is 6. There are many ways to find the GCM. Here are ways you can find the GCM:Inverted DivisionList out all the factors of both of the numbers

What is the GCM of 64 and 80?

The GCM of any set of numbers is infinite.

When was GCM Resources created?

GCM Resources was created in 2003-09.

What is the gcm for 9 and 12?

The gcm for 9 and 12 would be 3. :)