

How do you get the square inches of a polygon?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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In general, you divide up the polygon into triangles, calculate the areas of the triangles and then sum these.

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Q: How do you get the square inches of a polygon?
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It means that the surface area of the polygon has an area of 612 square inches.

Is a square an equilateral polygon?

Yes, a square is an equilateral polygon

Does a square polygon have five faces?

A square polygon by definition has one face and it is square.

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A square cannot be irregular though it is a polygon.

If a area is 36 inches on each side what is the area?

The area is 324*n*cotangent(180/n) where n is the number of sides in the polygon.

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Surface area would be measured in square inches or square feet. This is the area of a flat surface, like a desk top. Volume is the inside area, like inside a balloon. This would be measured in cubic inches or feet (inches x inches x inches).

Is every square a regular polygon?

Yes every square is a regular polygon.

Why is the square polygon?

Any shape with 3 or more sides is a polygon and so a square is a polygon because it has 4 sides.

What is a polygon that is congruent to a square?

a square

If the area of a square is 81 square inches what is its perimeter?

A square is a four sided polygon with four right angles whose sides are all congruent. This means that the area of a square is equal to the length of one side squared. So a square with an area of 81 sq. in. has a side length of 9 inches. The perimeter is the distance around the outside of a figure. For a square, this is equal to four times the side length. Here 4 * 9 = 36. So, the perimeter of this square is 36 inches.

How do you draw a polygon 12 inches on base and 10 inches high?

It depends on how many sides the polygon is meant to have!