

How do you get volume?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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11y ago

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Volume is measured in "cubic" units. You can think of the volume of a figure sort of as the number of cubes required to fill it completely, like blocks in a box -- but that's only sort of, because most three-dimensional shapes, including spheres (round balls) and pyramids, don't have flat surfaces at right angles the way a box does.

Volume of a cube = side times side times side. Since each side of a square is the same, it can simply be the length of one side cubed.

If a cube has one side of 4 inches, the volume would be 4 inches times 4 inches times 4 inches, or 64 cubic inches. (Cubic inches can also be written in3.)

Be sure to use the same units for all measurements. You cannot multiply feet times inches times yards, it doesn't make a perfectly cubed measurement.

The volume of a rectangular prism is the length on the side times the width times the height. If the width is 4 inches, the length is 1 foot and the height is 3 feet, what is the volume?

NOT CORRECT .... 4 times 1 times 3 = 12

CORRECT.... 4 inches is the same as 1/3 feet. Volume is 1/3 feet times 1 foot times 3 feet = 1 cubic foot (or 1 cu. ft., or 1 ft3).

ALSO CORRECT.... 1 ft = 12 in. 3 ft = 3 x 12 = 36 in. So W x L x H = 4 x 12 x 36 = 1728 in3.

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