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Q: How do you graph 1 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 5?
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How do the graph of x is less than 1 and x greater than 1 differ?

If x is less than one, the graph will be a number line with every point less than (but not including) 1 shaded.If x is greater than one, the graph will be a number line with every point greater than (but not including) 1 shaded.

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1-4 equal less than and greater than = -3

How do you shade the region represented by x less than or equal to -1 on a graph?

Draw the line x = -1 which is a vertical line (parallel to the y-axis) that goes through (-1 , 0) Shade the side to the left of it as those numbers are less than -1.

What is 2 less than 1?

2 less than 1 would equal -1.

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is the set of integers greater than or equal to −7 and less than or equal to −1

How do you graph 1 over 3?

1/3 is less than half way to 1. Approximate the distance from 0 to 1 as 3 equal parts and place a dot at the end of the 1st approximated section.

How do write the Slope-intercept inequality for a graph?

First, write the equation of the line of the graph. Next, if the line is solid, it means equal to. If it is dotted: not equal to. Lastly, the shaded portion of a graph is where the points satisfy the equation. So pick a point in the shaded region, plug it in, and put the appropriate larger than, or less than sign to make the statement true. EX: plug in (3,1) to y _ 3x+1 1 _ 10, then 1 < 10 So, y < 3x + 1 (add [or equal to] if the line is solid)

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What is an example of an equation that makes the graph of y equals x less steep?

A slope greater than 1 makes a graph be really steep. On the other hand, a slope less than 1 but greater than 0 makes a graph less steep. Therefore any fraction slope would give you a less steep graph.An example could be y=(1/3)x.

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less than

Does 1 equal 3?

No - 1 is less than 3.

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If the sum of the numerators is greater than the denominator the sum is greater than 1. If the sum of the numerators is equal to the denominator the sum is equal to 1. If the sum of the numerators is less than the denominator the sum is less 1.