

How do you improve your chances of having a baby boy?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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There is no answer to that really, but, if your husband/boyfriend/fiance/ male has fathered children, example 3 girls, you may have a higher chance of having a girl,

or not, since you are a different mother. thank you

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12y ago
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Q: How do you improve your chances of having a baby boy?
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You cannot decide your baby's gender. But you can do things to help improve your chances in getting a female or a male baby.

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Sex positions have got nothing to do with the sex of the baby.

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That can not be so. The sex of the baby is not decided by the day of the intercourse.

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Approximately 50% - the same as if you didn't have 3 girls previously.

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The possibility of having a baby boy from a test tube is about the same as the possiblity of having a boy through standard birth or about 48 of every 100 test tube babies born. There are methods designed to increase the chances of having a boy, but they are not exact.

What are the chances of having a girl or boy?

1. The Chances of having a baby boy and a baby girl is 50/50 because the girls have XX Chromosomes and Boys have XY Chromosomes it's a 50% chance that it sprays some liquid to get the Y Chromosomes so either way its 50/50 chance

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Having sex closer to ovulation could increase your chances of having a boy.

How can you guarantee if you want give birth a baby boy?

There is no such thing as 100% guarantee but you can improve your chances to 94%. (I've succeeded 3 times out of 3), it's all natural, 3 easy steps, not expensive, and really helpful BTW - conceiving baby boy its even easier and the chances are even higher than 94%.

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Is it true that you can improve your chances of having a boy or girl by doing certain things?

no.the chance to get a boy or a girl baby are 50%. The gender it is decided by speratozoa and it is casual.If spermatozoa it have x chromosome baby will be female, in case of Y chromosome spermatozoa baby will be a boy. the only things that you can do it is to pay certain labs that will select spermtozoa by chromosome X or this case you can decide the sex of the child before you get pregnant.