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You type it in with your keyboard.

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Q: How do you input an operator between two numbers in java?
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What are the restriction that are applied to operator overloading?

Java does not support user defined operator overloading.The operator '+' is overloaded in Java and can be used for adding both numbers and Strings.

What is operator in java?

An operator is a symbol that does something in Java. for ex: "+" is an arithmetic operator that adds two numbers. ">" is a logical operator that checks if one number is greater than the other. There are many different types of operators in Java like Arithmetic, Logical, Relational and Assignment operators

Difference between equals equals and equal in java?

"==" in java is the binary operator which compares two values and gives a boolean result While "=" in java is a assignment operator which assigns a value to a variable.

Does a java script operator perform mathematical operation on 2 numbers?

some times

Explain the role of sizeof operator in java?

There is no sizeOf() operator in Java.

Which operator works like sizeof operator in Java?

Java does not have the sizeOf() operator or any operator that gives an equivalent result.

Operator overloading is possible in java or not?

Java does not support opperator overloading, so the answer to your question is: none.

The multiplication operator is represented in Java by what symbol?

In Java, the multiplication operator is represented by the asterisk, "*". This was not invented by Java; most programming languages, as well as programs such as Excel, use the same symbol.

What is the operator that cannot be overloaded in c plus plus and java?

conditional operator , size of operator , membership operator and scope resulation operator can not be overload in c++

What are the similarities between c plus plus and java?

C++ and Java are identical except for...No pointers in JavaAll object names are referencesNo operator ->, only operator .No multiple inheritance in JavaNo template classes in JavaThe run-time and class libraries are vastly different

What does the java 'this' operator do?

It refers to the currently running object.

Explain how objects are created in Java?

with new operator