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If you mean snake, Then there are many ways, The best way is to grab it behind the head (either get it in a net then grab it or just grab it, its only a blacksnake) and then you can either cut off its head or just...well rip it in two or something if you want to be violent. If you are scared to grab one, get a axe or something and overkill it. I don't know how that relates to math though

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Q: How do you kill a 5 ft black snake?
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Can uh rat snake kill you in 5 minutes?

yeah a bit obvious

Black snake related to the black mamba?

'Black Snake' actually refers to a number of snakes, the whole of Genus Pseudechis is often referred to as 'black snake', and of the 5 or so types of snakes commonly called Black Snake these are the only ones in the familiy Elapidae (same Familiy as the Black Mamba), the Black Mamba is of Genus Dendroaspis. (Simple answer would be 'No'.)

How long is a vine snake?

I think: 1.5 - 2 m(5 - 6 1/2 ft)

How big is a stripe cal king snake?

they average about 3-4 feet but can occasionally grow to 5 ft

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5 ft. 2 in.

How long can viper snake grow?

Indigo snake is nonvenomous bluish-black snake of the southern United States and northern Mexico. Since 1978 this snake has been considered an endangered species. They are the longest snakes in United States. It ranges from 5 feet to 8 feet. It depends if they are males or females.

What is the rhyme for the coral snake?

There's actually quite a few ways of saying the rhyme, it is tell the difference between the Coral Snake, and the Scarlet King Snake. Here are some variations of the ryhme - #1 Red on yellow will kill a fellow, but red on black is a friend of Jack. #2 Red on yellow kill a fellow, red on black you're alright Jack. #3 If red touches black you're okay Jack, if red touches yellow you're a dead fellow. #4 Red next to black you can pat him on the back, red next to yellow he can kill a fellow. I could go on, and on, but you get the point, if it has red next to black, it's a scarlet kingsnake, which is not venomous, and I know from personal experience are good to have around because they will eat venomous snakes that are smaller than them (problem is they generally only get to about 5 feet). Red on yellow on the other hand is a very venomous snake known as the coral snake, and are obviously no good to have around.

What is the largest breed of king snake?

All variations of king snakes are approximately the same size: from 3-5 ft when full grown. Very few king snakes grow beyond 5 ft.

What is the average height of the Scots Royal black watch?

According to a publication by its own 1st Battalion, in 1914 Black Watch officers measured on average 5 ft 9.5 inches, its soldiers 5 ft 7 inches.

How do you get bloodthirsty on black ops 2?

Kill 5 enemies without dying

Is the black mamba larger than the king cobra?

The Black Mamba is faster, but the King Cobra is the worlds longest venomous snake and its diet is mostly made up of other snakes, the King Cobras venom can also kill up to 5 times as fast as the Black mambas. Personally I think the King Cobra would win.

Is there actually a 5 headed snake?

ya why not?there is a 5 headed snake