If you know what rational fraction it represents then, if the denominator in the fraction's simplest form has any prime factor other than 2 and 5, then it is a repeating decimal and if not it is terminating.
Otherwise you need to examine the digits of the decimal representation in detail. Remember though, that the repeating string could be thousands of digits long (or even longer).
0.36 is NOT a repeating decimal but a terminating one.
No, the sum of a repeating decimal and a terminating decimal is never a terminating decimal.
It is terminating - after two decimal digits.
0.875 is a terminating decimal and as a fraction it is 7/8
A terminating decimal is a decimal that ends. A repeating decimal is a decimal that goes on and on.
It is a terminating decimal.
Since 0.875 has a defined endpoint, it is a terminating decimal.
A terminating decimal is a rational number. A non-terminating, repeating decimal is a rational number. A non-terminating, non-repeating decimal is an irrational number.
i really dont know
As shown, a terminating decimal.