If the ratio of the three sides are 1:√(3):2, it's a 30-60-90 triangle
You cannot find the LCM of only one number, two or more are needed.
If it has one 90 degree angle then it is a right triangle.
we know that a triangle is 90 degrees by measuring its length or it can be known as right triangle which measures 90 degrees.
The answer depends on what is special about the triangle and what else you know about it.
You know a when a triangle is scalene if all its sides are diffrent lenths none of them are the same
You know when a triangle is isosceles because two of it's sides are corresponding (the same).
It is called a "triangle" I know, not very imaginative is it?
A triangle with 1 right angle is a right angle triangle.
That all sides and angles are also equal.
with the three sides you know it will be a triangle, it is a right triangle, it is not an equilateral triangle or an isosceles triangle... so it must be a right scalene triangle
Any triangle with a 90 degree angle is called a right triangle.