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If the GCF of the numerator and the denominator is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.

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Q: How do you know if the fraction that is the sum is in simplest form form?
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How do you know if the fraction that is the sum is in simplest?

The fraction will be in its simplest form when the highest common factor of the numerator and denominator is 1

What is the sum of 4 over10 expressed in simplest form?

4/10 = 2/5 as a fraction in its simplest form

How do you know if a fraction is in simplest form?

A fraction is in its simplest form if its denominator (bottom half of the fraction) and numerator (top half of the fraction) cannot be divided by the same number to equal a fraction with whole numbers in the numerator and denominator. [When you 'cancel' a fraction out (divide it to get a smaller fraction, closer to the simplest form) you must do the same sum to the numerator AND the denominator, so you must be able to divide the numerator by the same number you divide the numerator by, as the fraction cannot contain decimals or remainders (it must be a whole number] e.g. 3/6 is NOT in its simplest form, as you can divide both numbers by 3, meaning that the simplest form would be 1/3 1/3 is in its simplest form, as although you could divide the denominator by 3, you cannot divide the numerator by 3 to equal a whole number.

How do you know whether you have to write a sum in simplest form?

A sum can't be simplified, unless you are adding like terms.

Need help with sum in simplelest form?

If you need help with sum in simplest form you would need to provide the sum. Simplest form means that the sum is simplified to the least possible form.

Is 231 over 798 in simplest form?

A fraction in its simplest form has no more common factors. In this case, 231 and 798 both have a digit sum that can divide by 3, and so we know they both have 3 as a factor. That means that 231/798 is not yet in its simplest form. Dividing top and bottom by 3 gives 77/266 which is simpler.

How do you know whether you have to have write a sum in simplest form?

When in doubt, simplify. Whenever it is possible, simplify.

You are a fraction in simplest form The sum of your numerator and your denominator is 9 The product of your numerator and denominator has neither a nor an 8 in it What fraction are you?

7 1/5 ........... easy............... a mixed number fraction..... how simple.. FOR A TEN YEAR OLD I MEAN!!!!

When the decimal 0.54 is changed to a fraction in simplest form what is the sum of the numerator and denominator?

77 0.54 = 54/100 = 27/50 77 = 27 + 50

What has the sum of 57 over 100?


Indicated sum of a whole number and a fraction?

p/q form

Can any fraction be expressed as the sum of unit fractions?

Yes. Although a negative fraction would have to involve addinig negative unit fractions. A positive fraction is a number of the form x/y where x and y are positive integers. The simplest solution is to add x lots of 1/y.