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A regular polygon will tessellate if its interior angle divides 360 evenly.

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Q: How do you know when a regula polygon can be used my itself to make a tessellation?
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How do you know when a regular polygon can be used by itself to make a tessellation?

It can be used only if the measure of its interior angle is a factor of 360 degrees.

what we discovered about tessellation and golden ratio?

U know

What is a tessellation vertex?

I don't know what a tessellation vertex is but I will try to Answer it I think it means the endpoint of a vertex which is also called vertices,which is the pointy ends of the vertex.

Why do you need to know tessellation?

we need to know about tessellation because we use it every day in our lifes and it teaches us many things we dont know and it teaches us patterns and organized ways of doing living things

Escher's tessellation with flying geese and fish is called?

Which one of them are you referring to? I count at least 8 works that depict birds and fish in tessellation. I don't know that they had an official name.

How do you know if a polygon is a polygon?

Because they have 9 sides

How do you measure an angle of a power polygon?

You mean a power polygon right? I'm going to assume you do since poluyon isin another language that I don't know... You use a protractor, like you do withnormal polygons... but they are used more as a tool to learn what is obtuseand acute angles are that the angle itself...And for those who don't know what a power polygon is check this out: What_is_a_power_polygon

How do you know a shape is not a polygon?

If it doesnt have 5 sides its not a polygon.

How do you know that area is this and perimeter is that?

You know because the area is the distance inside a polygon and a perimeter is the distance outside a polygon.

What is a polygon in a polyhedron?

its a 3-d trangle and i want to know if its a polygon or a polyhedron

How do you know if you made a tessellation?

If there is a definite pattern in the shapes and color (or just shapes). Hope this helps! -Mathwiz221

Is an arrow a polygon?

A polygon is a shape that is closed with straight sides and the sides do not overlap like these. I don't know if an arrow is a polygon.