

How do you lose more than 1 pound in the fifth grade?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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5th grade isn't a time to be worrying about your weight. If you feel that you are over-weight, then give up some of your unhealthy junk food and eat more fruits and vegetables. Don't starve yourself, just eat healthy and do some exercise such as running, sit-ups, jumping jacks and pushups.

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Q: How do you lose more than 1 pound in the fifth grade?
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0.6 pounds. Any more information depends on whether it is pound mass or pound money.

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just drink water and salad for one day and depending on how good you did you can lose more then 1 pound

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Get out more and exercise .

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To lose one solid pound of weight, you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you consume in a day.

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Difficulty can vary depending on the individual and the curriculum, but many students find fifth grade to be challenging because it often introduces more advanced concepts in subjects like math and science. However, some students may find other grades to be more difficult based on their strengths and weaknesses.

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From your imagination!Look through your textbook for some great ideas. You can also look online by typing "fifth grade social studies" into your search engine to get more ideas.

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Fifth grade is very easy comparing to sixth grade , which you have to do EQAO. Also during speech art competitions the grade five have more chance of winning. but the best is that they get less homework

If you lose 2000 calories how many pounds did you lose?

To lose one solid pound of weight, you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you consume. So burning 2,000 calories means you burnt about 2/3 of a pound.

How much exercise to burn one pound of body fat?

you wont lose a pound by doing push ups your not burning enough calories. you have to run more then 5 hours to lose a pound just saying lol.