9 is 0.9212% of 977 because 9/977 is 0.009212.
977 as a percentage is 97700%. Just move that decimal point two places to the right and bam, you've got a percentage that will make your head spin faster than a disco ball at Studio 54.
Approximately 0.8833%, because 8.63/977 is about 0.008833.
To convert a percent to a decimal, express the percent as a decimal then move the decimal point to the left two places:75.5% = 0.755
You make 1 percent to a decimal which is .01(You make it into a decimal by dividing 1 by 100) then you make 1/2 percent into a decimal which is 0.5. Then you multiply .01 and .5 and it equals 0.005.
To convert any decimal to percent, simply multiply the decimal by 100.
percent of increase-new-original over originalthen make the decimal a percent of increasepercent of decrease-original-new over originalthen make the decimal a percent of decrease
percent of increase-new-original over originalthen make the decimal a percent of increasepercent of decrease-original-new over originalthen make the decimal a percent of decrease
To convert a percent into a number (decimal or otherwise) divide by 100. So 0.1 percent = 0.001
You move the decimal 2 places over.