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You have to use closed figured shapes that resemble the letters of the alphabet

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Q: How do you make alphabets in polygon form?
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What is the simplest form of polygon?

The simplest form of polygon is a triangle.

What do alphabets signify?

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The line segment that form a polygon are called its?

Line segments that form a polygon are called its sides.

What are the sides of a polygon?

They are the straight lines which form the boundaries of a polygon.

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Any polygon can be the base of a pyramid and so any polygon can form a polyhedron.

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By Alphabets, Numerics & Special characters...

What is formed by two consecutive sides of a polygon?

They form a vertex of the polygon.

Is it a-z alphabet or alphabets?

It's neither. Both the phrases "A-Z alphabet" and "A-Z alphabets" don't make any sense in English.