

Best Answer

There are at least two different ways:

2 quarters

3 dimes

1 nickel

15 pennies

21 total

1 quarter

3 dimes

7 nickels

10 pennies

21 total

The system is to go through and make a systematic list now go to the maximum amount of dimes you may find more answers.

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Q: How do you make change for a dollar using 21 coins?
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What are 50 ways to make change for one dollar?

There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar using the coins of a penny thru 1/2 dollar

How do you make exact change for 55 cents using 6 coins?

A half dollar and five pennies

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Most amount of coins you can have and still not make change for a dollar?

One half dollar, one quarter, four dimes and four pennies. It equals $1.19. You can not make change for exactly one dollar with those coins

What is the largest amount of money that you can have in coins and be able to give change for a dollar?

This question makes no sense. You could have an infinite amount of coins and make change for a dollar. For example, you could have 100 pennies, or 1,000,000 pennies, or 1,000,000,000 pennies and make change for a dollar.

If a man has 1.15 in six coins but can not make change for a dollar half dollar quarter dime or nickel what coins does he have?

half dollar, quarter four dimes

How do you make change for a dollar using only fifty coins?

One quarter, two dimes, two nickels, forty-five pennies.

How can you make change for a dollar using exactly 50 coins with dime nickels and pennies?

40 pennies 8 nickles 2 dimes

A girl has a pocket full of coins Yet she doesn't have the right combination of coins to make change for a nickel dime quarter half dollar or dollar What is the largest value of coins she can ha?

Assuming she is using current US coins, she has 4 pennies, 4 dimes, 1 quarter and 1 half dollar - 10 coins for a total of $1.19. She could, of course, also have any number of dollar coins as well.

Dawrin has a pocket full of change yet he cant make change for a dollar half dollar quarter a dime or a nickel What is the greatest amount of money Dawrin can have in his pocket?

Assuming he is using current US coins, she has 4 pennies, 4 dimes, 1 quarter and 1 half dollar - 10 coins for a total of $1.19. He could, of course, also have any number of dollar coins as well.

How do you make a dollar using 12 coins?

10 nickels and 2 quarters

A man has 1.15 made up of 6 American coins With these coins however he cannot make change of a dollar a half dollar a quarter a dime or a nickel Which six coins does he have?

One half dollar, 1 Quarter, 4 dimes