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Q: What 25 coins will make change for a dollar?
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What 25 coins make a dollar?

3 dollar 3 coins

How do you make a dollar with 25 coins?

15pennies 6nickles 3ddimes 1quarter

How do you make 1.19 with no coins larger than a half dollar and can't equally make a dollar in change?

50, 25, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1. This is the largest total that can't make change for *any* amount.

8 coins to make a dollar?

An example of 8 coins to make $ 1.00 would be: 3 Quarters .75 5 Nickels .25 .75 + .25 = $ 1.00

What fifty coins do you use to make a dollar?

(25) 2 cent pieces

What 28 coins make a dollar?

25 pennies and 3 quarters

How do you make a dollar with 3 coins?

With 1 50cent coin and two quarters 50+25+25=100

Is it possible to make one dollar using 25 coins?

yes it is, 37 pis equals it

What 6 coins can make up a dollar?

50 25 10 5 5 5

How do you make a dollar with 29 coins?

20 pennies = 20 5 nickles = 25 3 dimes = 30 1 quarter = 25 _____________ 29 coins = 100 cents

What three coins make a dollar?

One half dollar (50 cent piece) and two quarter dollars (25 cent each piece)

How many different ways can you change a dollar using all 5 coins in the transaction?

The answer depends on which dollar the question is about. The question cannot be about the US dollar since there are 6 coins is circulation (1, 5, 10, 25, 50 cents and 1 dollar). The question then is which of several countries - Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Hong Long, Singapore, Zimbabwe and a host of Caribbean Island - has only 5 coins. Some have 20 cents but not 25, other have 25 but not 20. No, there is no simple answer.