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buy a yard stick.

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Q: How do you measure the distance longer than a 1 foot ruler?
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Related questions

How did you get the term foot ruler?

The foot ruler term came about from the measure used on a ruler which is exactly twelve inches long. A foot is a standard measure therefore came the foot ruler to represent one unit of measurement.

What is a ruler used to measure?

a ruler is used to measure inches or 1 foot

How did you get the term foot?

The foot ruler term came about from the measure used on a ruler which is exactly twelve inches long. A foot is a standard measure therefore came the foot ruler to represent one unit of measurement.

How do you figure out shoe size?

You measure your foot on a ruler thing that's made for foot measuring.

An instrument to record the number steps taken in walking?

a metric ruler, meter-stick, centimeter ruler, and inch ruler are all used to measure length or distance

What are two things that measure 1 foot?

a piece of paper, and a ruler

What is the answer to the riddle what has a foot but no leg?

A mountain, or a tape measure.

What is the difference between running foot and square foot?

Running Foot (ft) is a measure of distance. Square Foot (ft²) is a measure of area.

How do you measure a crouch start?

I run almost every day. You take a ruler and measure the person foot

How manysquare meters are in a foot?

Zero. A square meter is a measure of area, whereas a foot is a measure of distance.

What can you measure in foot?

Length or distance.Length or distance.Length or distance.Length or distance.

What equipment would you use to measure foot length?

To measure a foot length you could use a ruler, a yard stick, a tape measure, or any object that you knew was precisely one foot long on a side or edge.