

How do you mulitlpy mixed numbers and fraction?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Convert the mixed number into an improper fraction and then multiply like you normally would.

To convert a mixed number into a fraction, take the whole number, multiply it by the denominator and then add the numerator. This value is your new numerator.

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Q: How do you mulitlpy mixed numbers and fraction?
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Mixed numbers is when you have a whole number put beside a fraction: Mixed number: 12/3 Improper fraction: 5/4 Proper fraction: 2/3

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Whole numbers like 70 are not normally expressed as mixed numbers but as an improper fraction it is 70/1

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Mixed numbers is when you have whole numbers and fraction.10 1/4 is a mixed number, the fraction equivalent is 11/4 and decimal equivalent is 10.25. Please note that mixed numbers is considered bad math practice.

How do you multipy mixed numbers by mixed numbers?

Change each mixed fraction to an improper fraction. Do this by multiplying the denominator by the whole number next to the fraction and then adding the numerator to the product you get. Once you do this, multiply fractions normally.

How do you multiply 2 mixed numbers?

turn fraction into a improper fraction

How do you add a mixed fraction by a mixed fraction?

You can either add the fractional parts and, if required, convert the answer to a mixed fraction and then add the integer part to the integer parts of the two original numbers; or change both numbers to top-heavy (or improper) fractions, add them and then convert the answer to a mixed fraction.

How do you do dividing fractions and mixed numbers?

You change the mixed number into an inproper fraction.

Is a mixed number into a mixed fraction the same thing?

Mixed numbers and mixed fractions are the same thing.

How do you Renamin a whole number as mixed fraction?

You cannot. Whole numbers and mixed numbers are two different subsets of the set of numbers.