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Take the absolute values of the two numbers and multiply them together. The result is a positive number.

For example:

(-2) x (-3) = 2 x 3 = 6

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Q: How do you multiply 2 negative numbers?
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When multiply two negative numbers the answer is?

When you multiply 2 negative numbers the answer will be positive, ALWAYS

How do you multiply with negative numbers?

If you are multiplying a negative number times a negative number, you multiply regularly but the answer in negative. If you are multipling 2 negatives, you multiply it regularly, again, but the answer is positive, and if u multiply 2 positives, obviously its a positive.

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There are no two real numbers that do, but the complex numbers (2 + i) and (2 - i) will.If you want two numbers that multiply to negative 5 and add to positive 4 then: -1 and 5If you want two numbers that multiply to negative 5 and add to negative 4 then: 1 and -5

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-3 and 1

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They are about: 0.53112887 and -7.53112887

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multiply the numbers together and the sign is positive , as a negative times a negative is a positive