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UNIX as such is only the operating system.

You would need an application, either written in a high level language, eg C and compiles into a binary that would execute, or you could use a series of commands (a shell script - a "program" for the shell with which you normally interact), which could be csh, bash, tcsh, zsh, etc - each shell having its own script language.

As an example you could use either of the following:

$ cat > num1-100.c
main ()
int i;
for (i = 0; i++ < 100; ) printf("%d, ", i);
return 0;
$ cc num1-100.c
$ ./a.out
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or a bash [command] script:

$ let c=0 ; while [ $c -lt 100 ]; do let c=$c+1; echo -n "$c, "; done ; echo
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Q: How do you print numbers 1 to 100 in UNIX. Is it echo '1-100'?
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