Sum of angles of triangle = 180o: minimum size of obtuse angle is greater than 90o; It is not possible to have two angles of a triangle which total more than 180o.
obtuse triangle
One of them.
False, because a triangle can have only 1 obtuse angle
it i a triangle that only has one obtuse angle
An isosceles obtuse triangle is a triangle with 1 obtuse angle and only 2 congruent sides.
no right angle with only one angle is obtuse
no, it only has 1 obtuse angle.
A triangle can have only one obtuse angle
If you are classifying triangles by their angles, an obtuse triangle has one obtuse angle and two acute angles. A triangle can have at most one obtuse angle. If the two acute angles are congruent, the triangle would also be isosceles.
no, a triangle can only have 1 obtuse angle at a time. this type of a triangle is called obtuse angled triangle.
Yes, but only one angle will be obtuse.
No because it only has a Right angle. It doesn't have an Obtuse angle, or other angles.