7.5% = 3⁄40
65% as a reduced fraction is 13/20
0.004% as a reduced fraction is 1/25000
0.005 in a fraction reduced to its lowest term is 1/200
0.63 in a fraction reduced to its lowest term is 63/100
The fraction 3/5 cannot be reduced any more.
The lowest-term fraction can be obtained by finding the denominator and numerator by GCF. The lowest fraction can not be further reduced.
200% is the same as 2.00 which is 2 or 2/1 as a fraction
66 percent is the same as 0.66 which is the same as 66/100 reduced that is 33/50
Expressed as a vulgar fraction in its lowest terms, 25 percent is equal to 1/4, or one quarter.
a reduced fraction is a fraction to its lowest term example:3/6 is1/2
40 percent in fraction in lowest term = 2/5