Eighteen million, three hundred ten thousand, eight hundred ninety-four.
how do you say 9,901 in words
Cats could say 5 words.
Say Just Words was created in 1997.
If You Could Say It in Words was created in 2008.
Yes you do say and write words again.
she did no say me am
i think pepole say bad words because they want to say it or when their mad they just say it
The duration of If You Could Say It in Words is 1.87 hours.
When they say they do or when they say 20 words in a row so they will know AT LEAST 20 words if they do.
To say the words 'we are family' in Spanish you say 'somos familia'. To say these words in Italian you say 'siamo una famiglia'.
More Than Words Can Say was created in 1990.
Verbose is another way to say big words.