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It would be a 30 second seminar. All that you need to translate Binary to Octal is take the binary number and group it into 3 bit groups starting with the LSB and assign the groups their equivlant Octal number.

Binary = Octal

000 = 0

001 = 1

010 = 2

011 = 3

100 = 4

101 = 5

110 = 6

111 = 7



1 010 001 011 101 001 110 000 111 011 0012 = 121351607318 10100010111010011100001110110012 = 121351607318

If you were going to talk about translating between different numbering systems, you could put together a pretty nice seminar. Allowing for questions would be nice.

Whatever you end up putting together, you have to stress the importance of Zero (0). It is the most important number in the translating from one numbering system to another, because it is the absolute starting point in all numbering systems. It is also the only common symbol in all numbering systems. Without the symbol for nothing, there would be no common reference point for conversion.

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