

How do you subtract a negative and a negative?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Add the second negative to the first negative, so -1 - -2 = 1

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Q: How do you subtract a negative and a negative?
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If you subtract a negative from a positive, add both of their absolute values. If you subtract a positive from a negative, add both of their absolute values and multiply by negative one.

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A little awkwardly phrased, so I'll answer both ways. To subtract a negative from anything, add its positive. To subtract a positive from a negative, the equation is treated as though you are adding two postives, the result is negative.

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No, you add the positive to the negative.

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In the same way that you would answer a fraction subtract another fraction. The result could be either positive or negative, just as is the case with negative whole numbers.

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subtract the negative from the positive