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Multiply the number by the percent in decimal form, and subtract the result from the original number. Alternatively, multiply the number by (1 - the percent).

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Q: How do you take out a percent of a number in a math problem?
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How do you take percent off a number in math?

Two ways: Take the percent of the number and subtract it from the number or multiply the number by 100 minus the percent. Example: 25 percent off 24 dollars. 24 x 0.25 = 6 24 - 6 = 18 or 24 x 0.75 = 18

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How do you do a math prob using mean?

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What is the range of a math problem?

It's when you take the highest number out of a few and subtract it by the smallest number. 15,20,23,27,30 the range is 15 because 30-15 is 15

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Do you have to take steps to solve the problem?

Sorry, but what problem are you exactly talking about. If you are talking about a random math problem than it really depends. Math word problems, if they are hard, then yes, definitely take steps. Good Luck :)

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Is 6.125 a rational number?

yes take math