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Trig functions have their own special derivatives that you will have to memorize.

For instance:

the derivative of sinx is cosx.

The derivative of cosx is -sinx

The derivative of tanx is sec2x

The derivative of cscx is -cscxcotx

The derivative of secx is secxtanx

The derivative of cotx is -csc2x

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Q: How do you take the derivative of a trig function?
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You take the derivative using only one variable. The other variables act as constants.

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You can differentiate a function when it only contains one changing variable, like f(x) = x2. It's derivative is f'(x) = 2x. If a function contains more than one variable, like f(x,y) = x2 + y2, you can't just "find the derivative" generically because that doesn't specify what variable to take the derivative with respect to. Instead, you might "take the derivative with respect to x (treating y as a constant)" and get fx(x,y) = 2x or "take the derivative with respect to y (treating x as a constant)" and get fy(x,y) = 2y. This is a partial derivative--when you take the derivative of a function with many variable with respect to one of the variables while treating the rest as constants.

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How do you determine the relative minimum and relative maximum values of functions and the intervals on which functions are decreasing or increasing?

You take the derivative of the function. The derivative is another function that tells you the slope of the original function at any point. (If you don't know about derivatives already, you can learn the details on how to calculate in a calculus textbook. Or read the Wikipedia article for a brief introduction.) Once you have the derivative, you solve it for zero (derivative = 0). Any local maximum or minimum either has a derivative of zero, has no defined derivative, or is a border point (on the border of the interval you are considering). Now, as to the intervals where the function increase or decreases: Between any such maximum or minimum points, you take any random point and check whether the derivative is positive or negative. If it is positive, the function is increasing.