There are 741.33 yards in 2224 lineal feet.
3290 square feet.
Lineal feet are units for measuring lengths.
Divide (feet) by 3 to get (yards). 456 feet = 152 yards
The answer depends on the units used for 7.219: yards, feet, inches? Assuming the width is yards, the answer is approx 12.45 yards.
A linear or lineal foot is EXACTLY the same as a foot. So, the answer is 475 lineal feet.
Feet and lineal feet are the same measurement - lineal feet is merely used as a term to distinguish feet from square or cubic feet.
Multiply feet by 0.3048
you don't. square feet is area, lineal feet is distance.
It is ft. Lineal is not necessary.
1 metre = 3.2808 feet.