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-3 into a fraction can be -3/1, -6/2 etc.

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Q: How do you turn a negative number aka negative three into a fraction?
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How do you convert a negative mixed number into a decimal?

If you know how to turn a mixed number into a fraction and a fraction into a decimal do that then make it negative.

How do you turn 3.75 into a fraction?

The number 3.75 is equal to three and three quarters.

How would you graph a negative fraction on a number line?

Turn the fraction into a decimal and place it on the left side of zero where it fits.

Can you turn a negative fraction into a negative decimal?


How do you turn negative three and four fifths into a fraction?

Divide the 4 by 5 =.80, so the answer is -3.80

How do you turn negative exponents into positive exponents?

Put the number with the exponent in the denominator of a fraction and take off the negative symbol. The numerator in that fraction should be 1. Example: 8-2 Converts to: 1 --- 82

How do you turn a negative improper fraction into a decimal?

An improper fraction represents either an integer or a mixed number. Using long division if necessary, divide the numerator by the denominator, then write the quotient with a negative sign before it.

How do you turn a fraction into a improper fraction?

You divide the bottom number by the top number

How do you turn a negative number to a whole number?

You do nothing. A negative number is a whole number.

How do you change a decimal to a whole number?

you turn the decimal into a fraction then you turn the fraction into a whole number and add a percent sign

What whole number can't be turn in a fraction?

There is no such number. Any whole number can be turned into a fraction simply by writing it over 1. Or, writing twice its value over 2; or three times its value over 3.

How do you turn a complex fraction into a regular fraction?

First you have to multiply the whole number with the top number in your fraction. REMEMBER TO KEEP THE BOTTOM NUMBER THE SAME!!!!! Your number will be an irregular fraction.