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Q: How do you use equations to solve problems about area of rectangles parallelograms trapezoids and triangles?
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What is a shape with corners called?

There are many, many shapes with corners. Each has its own name. Some examples are: Rectangles, Triangles, Septangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, cube, dodecahedrons, and so forth.

What are some examples of convex polygon shapes?

All triangles and regular polygons such as squares, parallelograms, trapezoids, and rectangles are convex because each of their interior angles is less than 180o.

Shape with no symmetry?

Some shapes that fit that condition are parallelograms, scalene triangles, and trapezoids.

Do circles squares rectangles and triangles have bases?

Circles don't, but the others do, if you think of squares and rectangles as parallelograms.

What is the total degrees of angles in a pentagon?

The inside angles total 180 degrees, and the outside angles total 360 degrees. It is the same for triangles, parallelograms, rectangles, squares, trapezoids, hexagons, heptagons, octagons, and all enclosed plane figures.

Which flag has 8 triangles 2 colored parallelograms 2 colored trapezoids and one large colored dodecagon?

United kingdom cheater I did the same sheet

Why are triangles used in the construction of bridges?

Triangles are used in structures because a triangle is a very stable shape that cannot be stretched or squashed easily - unlike rectangles which can easily become parallelograms.

What has exactly 1 line of symmetry?

All the at least 1 line of symmetry are called: squares rectangles hexagons octagons triangles semicircles kites parallelograms isosceles triangles equilateral triangles Good Luck Finding an Answer! :)

How are the areas Of Triangles Rectangles And Parallelograms Related?

The area of a parallelogram is twice that of the two triangles that are formed by the line transecting it. (Sort of like finding out how many cows you have by counting eyes and dividing by two.)

How strong are rectangles for construction?

Not at all. All quadrilaterals can be skewed into parallelograms and so are not strong. They need to have a diagonal brace - effectively making two triangles.

What is the difference between triangles and trapezoids?

Triangles have three sides while trapezoids are quadrilaterals with four sides. Trapezoids have one set of parallel lines. Triangles do not have any sets of parallel lines.

What does a triangular prism look like?

It looks like a pup tent.The two parallel ends of the shape are triangles and the faces that connect these are parallelograms, usually rectangles.