In the same way that I have always used them!
Positive numbers are used for measures that are greater than zero. They may be whole numbers - such as numbers of people, or words in a question. Or they may be fractional: your height or weight.
Remember, though that one person's positive number may be another's negative. If you owe me money, it is a positive asset for me, but a negative one for you.
In most cases, negative and positive numbers are used in the same way. There are a very few situations where there seem to be special rules that are applied to negative numbers. But, if you study these from the definition of negative numbers you will see that the rules are really the same, it is just that the numbers are different.
It means the numbers you use when you count things. They are the positive integers, beginning with ' 1 ', and finding each number on the list by adding 1 to the previous number.
We learn math using numbers because that is math. Also when you get to a higher level in math it is easier to use numbers to write 4,137,985,034.152 than splleing it out.
in math
you always use math. our universe is based on numbers.
how you use math its easy when your older for car payments bills and more and when your a teen and you get a job at a store you need to know numbers numbers are math
With numbers and symbals
Yes, because you use math in everyday life. And counting is math ,because there numbers and numbers are apart of math.
The use of numbers in simple math operations is "arithmetic."
well you use them for math
because you use numbers
The origin (0,0) is at the top left corner,as it goes down on the y axis, it deals in positive numbers instead of negative.