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Beat the gym leaders and the elite four.

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Q: How do you win all the eight gyms in Pokemon sapphire?
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What do you do after beating all the Pokemon gyms and elite four and champion on Pokemon sapphire?

Try to complete the Pokédex.

Where are all the pokemon gyms in pokemon sapphire?

???I dont frickin know!1--Rustboro2--Dewford3--Mauville4--Lavaridge5--Petalburg6--Fortree7--Mossdeep8--Sootopolis

How do you get the Pokemon league?

You can enter the Pokemon League once you've defeated all eight gyms and have the gym badges.

What are the best Pokemon yo use against all 8 gyms in Pokemon sapphire version?

1. Torchic (starter)2. Taillow Here are two main Pokemon to win (or easiest)

Where is the elite four on Pokemon SoulSilver?

Indigo Plateau. In order to get to them, you need to defeat all eight Johto gyms.

What Pokemon can breed in Pokemon Sapphire?

All Pokemon in Pokemon sapphire can breed. Except for all legendaries.

Where are all the gyms in Pokemon diamond?

The gyms are in the eight cities as follows: Oreburgh City Eterna City Pastoria City Veilstone City Hearthome City Canalave City Snowpoint City ~Lucario

How do you get to silver cave in crystal?

first, you must have finished all the eight gyms in kanto and the pokemon league. After that, you can go to the nearside pokemon league at the victory road then go to the left.

Is there 16 gyms in Pokemon Crystal?

Yes, there are the 8 johto gyms and after the Pokemon league you can go to kanto and face their gym leaders who all have powerful Pokemon and are all as powerful as the next. Yes, there are the 8 johto gyms and after the Pokemon league you can go to kanto and face their gym leaders who all have powerful Pokemon and are all as powerful as the next. kwl thanks alot

Who is the champion on emerald?

Wallace, but you can also fight Steven.Wallace is the last gym leader, and is the champion of all gyms, but Steven is the reigning Pokemon Champion, and is the champion of all gyms and the Elite Four, so Steven is the true champion.

Where to find all legendary pokemon in pokemon deluge?

the legendaries can be found when you defeated all gyms

How do you get all symbols in Pokemon emerald?

Simple! Beat all the gyms!