148 over 252 can be written as a fraction as 148/252. it can be further simplified to 37/63
148/264 = 37/66 in its lowest terms
148/100 = 74/50 = 37/25 in simplest form
148/300 = 37/75 simplified
148 written as a fraction in simplest form is 148/1
144 over 148 in lowest terms is 36/37
148/192 in simplest form is 37 over 48
46/148 = 23/74
Find the highest common factor of 54 and 148 and divide both by the HCF.
148 over 251 = 148/251. It cannot be reduced any further since the greatest common factor of 148 and 251 is 1.
47/148 + 29/148 = (47 + 29)/148 = 76/148 = (19x4)/(37x4) = 19/37