To express 0.015625 as a fraction, we first note that the number has five decimal places. To convert it to a fraction, we write it as 15625/1000000. Next, we simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 15625, resulting in 1/64. Therefore, 0.015625 as a fraction is 1/64.
0.105152 = 1643/15625
It is: 0.261 = 261/1000 as a fraction
2.145792 = 2145792/1000000 = 33528/15625
This means that you should write your answer using fractional notation as opposed to decimal notation. For example, you would write 1/4 instead of .25 .
1.5625 as a fraction = 25/161.5625 = 1.5625 * 10000/10000 = 15625/10000 or 25/16 in fraction in lowest term
Either as a mixed fraction: 22 416/1000 or as an improper fraction: 22416/1000
You can write this either as 3 91/100 or as 391/100.
Convert it to an improper fraction and divide the denominator into the numerator.
Fraction notation for 0.0109 is 109/10000
If by "cube of 15625," you mean 156253, then you would multiply 15625*15625*15625. If you have to do this by hand, then first multiply 15625*15625, and then multiply the product of that by 15625 again. Follow the multi-digit multiplication rules, look it up if you don't know them.