

How do you write 6 decreased by the product of x and 4?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How do you write 6 decreased by the product of x and 4?
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Sample Response: Replace key words with variables, numbers, and operations. More than is addition, product is multiplication, and decreased by is subtraction. The constants are 1, 7, and 5. The expression is 1 + 7n – 5. To evaluate the expression, substitute 6 in for the variable, and then use order of operations to simplify. The value when n = 6 is 38.

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The expression is: 6x-10 which can be factored to 2(3x-5)

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x/4 - 6 = 22 x/4 = 28 x = 112

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The term "6 or 4" is a choice, not a product. That's what the word or means, you can choose the one you want, maybe 6, maybe 4. If you wanted to describe a product you would have to ask, what is the product of 6 and 4. In that case, the answer would be 24.