74000000000km or 74,000,000,000km
One billion dollars is 1000 times one million dollars, or $1x109, or $1,000,000,000.
I write 620 billion as 620 billion.
74 = 74/1
74 miillion
Sixteen point two billion is how I would write it.
I write it as 74 080 000 000 000 as I use the long scale (as used in Europe). Others write it as 74 080 000 000 as they use the short scale (as used in USA). I have never heard of a "long scale" how do you write ten thousand (10,000) in long scale? How do you account for two (2) extra zeros in any number?
You write 3.56 billion as 3,560,000,000.
74 as a fraction is simply 74/1