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Q: How do you write a decade of years like 1820s or 1820s?
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What are examples of a decade?

A decade is a period of 10 years. Typically we think of them in years from 1 to 10, like 2001 to 2010 or with years that have the same second last digit like 1990 to 1999. Any period of 10 years can be a decade, like the years from 2006 to 2015 inclusive.

What were Christmas decorations like in the 1820s?


What polygon has ten sides?

A decagon~Like decade means ten years;)

What decade was before the Great Depression?

The 1920s came before the Great Depression.

What is a synonym for millennium?

Just like 10 years is a decade and 100 years is a century, 1000 years is a millennium. There are no synonyms and no antonyms for the word millennium.

Was the year 2000 really a part of the 1990s decade seeing as there was no year zero?

No, 2000 was not part of the 1990s. The 90s were all the years from 1990 to 1999. The fact that the decade finished in 1999, is one of the reasons people thought it was the end of the 20th century. A decade is a period of 10 years. We often think of them in terms of a second last digit the years start with, like the 80s, 90s etc. This means the decades as we think of them are 1 year out of synch with a standard 1 to 10 type of decade. In truth a decade can be any period of 10 years, so 1994 to 2003 was just as much a decade as 1990 to 1999 or 1991 to 2000.

Is this the correct spelling for 1980's?

Although we used to use apostrophes to indicate a series of years, the current convention is to drop the apostrophe and write a decade as a simple plural, like 1980s. The argument for changing this practice was that the added apostrophe created an incorrect possessive.

What was the year decade ago?

a decade was 100 years ago. so the year one decade ago would be 1909

How many decades are the same as 50 years?

There are five decades in 50 years. A decade is a period of 10 years, so 50 years is equal to 5 decades. This is because 50 divided by 10 equals 5. Each decade represents a group of ten consecutive years, making it a useful unit of time measurement in various contexts.

What were the 90's like?

The 1990's was an excellent decade. It was filled with infamous deaths, births, and of course it's public and private scandals. Let's start at the beginning of the decade and work through the 10 years of History. In 1990, an important decade for modern technology and the internet, [work in progress]

How many years are in a eon?

An eon is typically defined as a very long period of time, usually lasting billions of years. It is not typically divided into specific numerical years like a decade or a century.

Command and conquer tfd?

command and conquer tfd or the first decade is simply all the cnc games from the first decade (the first ten years) of command and conquer like the much loved red alert 2 and tiberian sun