Five million three hundred thousand twenty-nine and six tenths is 5,300,029.6
A tenth of a million is a hundred thousand. As for 20,099,879 that is a bit over twenty million.
100,000 (One hundred thousand)
1,000,000 / 10 = 100,000 one hundred thousand
1.181351 rounded to the nearest tenth-million, or the nearest ten thousand, or thenearest thousand, or the nearest hundred, or or the nearest ten, is zero in each case.
two hundred eighty-two million four hundred seventy-five thousand two hundred forty-nine, or 282,475,249
Rounded to the nearest hundred thousand, 4009682 is approximately equal to 4000000.
Sixty-two million, nine hundred eighty-seven thousand, six hundred twenty-one and one tenth.
The number 1000000.0001 shows the range from a million to ten thousandth. The place values from left to right are million, hundred thousand, ten thousand, thousand, hundred, ten, one, tenth, hundredth, thousandth and ten thousandth. Either spelled out or written as numbers, that is the contents of your chart.
You write it 4,300,500.22 because the 4 goes in the million's place, the 3 goes in the hundred thousand's place, the 5 goes in the hundred's place, the first 2 goes in the tenth's place, and the last 2 goes in the hundredth's place.