Fifty-two and one hundredth in standard form is 52.01
So the two numbers are 2000.000001 and 10000.01. 10000.01 is the greater and this is 1.000001x104 in standard form
Explain write ing decimals in Standard Form = (In number format like this... EXAMPLE: Two and two tenths is, (IN STANDARD FORM : 2.2) !
Twenty and two hundredths in standard form is 20.02
Two billion in standard form is 2.0 × 109
Two and five hundredths in standard form is 2.05
The standard form is 2,233
What is the answer to write the number in standard form two and 90 hundredths
0.52 is expressed in word form as 'Fifty Two Hundredth'.
The standard form is 2,035
The standard form is 4,200,000