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Sorry, but you're going to have to ask about a specific gland.

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Q: How does a gland work?
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How does the hypothalamus gland work?

The hypothalamus works by controlling the functions of the pituitary gland. It tells it which hormones to make and when to make them.

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How does the pituitary gland work with other systems to keep the body healthy?

It doesn't really work with a system but it might work with Thyroid Gland....even though its not a system but i think it works with it...i had the same question in class -_-

The gland that helps regulate homeostasis of calcium is?

The various glands in the body work to regulate numerous body processes. The gland that works to regulate the homeostasis of calcium is called the parathyroid gland.

How does the pituitary gland work with other body systems to keep the body healthy?

It doesn't really work with a system but it might work with Thyroid Gland....even though its not a system but i think it works with it...i had the same question in class -_-

How does the thyroid work with the endocrine system?

The Endocrine system consists of the glands such as the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, the adrenal glands, and the testes and the ovaries, which all secrete hormones. The thyroid gland does not work with the endocrine system, this system is simply a title of the glands named above.

A child is given injections of a growth hormone to make up for a problem with a gland. What part of the child's body does not work correctly?

pituitary gland CHEATERS!... <- You're darn right.

Does the thyroid gland work with other body systems?

Yes, the thyroid gland does work with other body systems. According to, "The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the base of the neck just below the Adam's apple. Although relatively small, the thyroid gland influences the function of many of the body’s most important organs, including the heart, brain, liver, kidneys and skin."

What gland does Calcium levels in the blood and tissues are regulated by calcitonin working?

The thyroid gland produces calcitonin. The parathyroid gland produces PTH. Both hormones work together to regulate the amount of clcium in the blood and tissues.

What part of the brain does the pituitary gland work closely with?

The part of the brain that the pituitary gland works closely with is the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is located underneath the thalamus.