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The angles would need to be equal to 60 degrees, so it would be an acute triangle. The triangle would look like a normal equilateral triangle.

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Q: How does a triangle with all angles less than a right angle look?
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A triangle with all angles less than a right angle?

An acute triangle is a triangle with all angles smaller than a 90 degree right angle.

How do you classify a triangle by its angles?

If all three angles of a triangle measure less that 90 degrees (if all three angles are acute), the triangle is an acute triangle. A triangle that has a right angle (an angle the measures exactly 90 degrees) is a right triangle. (The other 2 angles will be acute angles.) A triangle that has an angle that is greater than 90 degrees (an obtuse angle), is an obtuse triangle. (The other 2 angles will be acute angles.)

Is a right triangle acute true or false?

False ------------------------------------ An acute triangle is one in which all angles are acute angles. An acute angle is less than 90°. A right angle is 90°, which is equal to 90° not less than 90° Therefore all the angles of a right triangle are not all acute Thus a right triangle is not an acute triangle.

Picture of a triangle with all angles less than a right angle?

It is a scalene triangle which has 3 different interior acute angles

What is a acute traingle?

A acute triangle is a triangle with only acute angles (angles less than 90 degrees). No obtuse or right angle.

Has an isosceles triangle have an obtuse angle?

Not necessarily. The two equal angles in an isosceles triangle must both be acute angles. If they were right angles or obtuse angles then a triangle could not be formed. If the two equal angles are less than 45° each then the third angle is an obtuse angle. If they are both 45° then the third angle is a right angle and if they are both greater than 45° then the third angle is an acute angle.

What triangle has a right angle and 2 acute angles?

an isocelesANS2:Any triangle that has one right angle will have 2 acute angles. An acute angle is less than 90 degrees and the sum of all angles in a triangle is 180 degrees. The sum of the other two angles would have to add to 90 degrees so they would both have to be less than 90 degrees.

Which figures have some angles that has less than right angle?

A triangle and any irregular polygon with 4 or more sides can have some angles that are lass than right angle.

Why do all triangles have acute angles?

A triangle is a three-sided figure with three angles, two or three of which (depending on the triangle) must be acute angles. The sum of all of the angles has to equal 180° - no more, no less. An acute angle is an angle of less than 90°. If one of the angles of a triangle is 90° or more (it is a right angle or obtuse angle) the SUM of the other two angles cannot exceed 180° minus the degree of the first angle. Therefore the two remaining angles must be less than the first angle, which means that they have to be acute angles.

What is the difference between acute triangle and right triangle?

A right triangle has a right (90 degree) angle, acute triangles have all angles less than 90 degrees.

How do you name a triangle by its sides and angles?

how you name a triangle by its angles is like acute, obtuse, or right triangle. you do that by seeing if the angle has a 90 degree angle in it then its a right angle, if all the angles are 90 degrees or less than its an acute triangle. and if the triangle has one angle that is over 90 degrees than it is an obtuse triangle. to name a triangle by its sides is if its equilateral, equiangular, or regular. if its equilateral then all the sides are congruent. if its equiangular then all the angles are congruent. if its regular, then all the sides and angles are congruent to each other (for example and octogon). :)

What is the difference between an qeuilateral triangle and a right angle trangle?

A right triangle has one angle that is always 90degrees. The other angles vary from less than 90degrees to greater than 0degrees. The equilateral triangle always has all of its angles equal to 60degrees.