

How does density change?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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13y ago

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Density usually changes when an object is heated or cooled - especially in the case of gases, or when there is a change of phase.

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Q: How does density change?
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Changing the shape CAN change the density. If you change it into a smaller shape, then you increase the density. However the mass will not change.

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Density is a physical property.

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Changing the shape CAN change the density. If you change it into a smaller shape, then you increase the density. However the mass will not change.

How do you change density?

To change density there are three ways. You can change the shape, mass or volume of the object

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It won't change. Density is volume divided by mass, so if volume doesn't change, density doesn't change unless you change the mass of the object.

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The density of the metal doesn't change when you crush a can.

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The density does not change.

How can you change density of a substance?

You can change the density of a substance by changing its volume. Density is equivalent to mass over volume. So changing the volume affects density.

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Density = mass / volume. So if the volume changes, the density will obviously also change.

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Density Dependent

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Density Dependent

Does density and volume change the ability to change energy?

yes because density = volume/mass