

How do you change density?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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13y ago

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To change density there are three ways. You can change the shape, mass or volume of the object

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Q: How do you change density?
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Does the shape of an object change its density?

Changing the shape CAN change the density. If you change it into a smaller shape, then you increase the density. However the mass will not change.

Is a change in density a chemical change?

Density is a physical property.

If an objects volume is unchanged then how will its density change?

It won't change. Density is volume divided by mass, so if volume doesn't change, density doesn't change unless you change the mass of the object.

Does your density change when you are in water?

No, your density does not change when you are in water. Your density is determined by your mass and volume, and it remains constant regardless of the medium you are in.

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The density of the metal in the crushed can remains the same as the density of the metal before it was crushed. Density is an intrinsic property of a material that does not change with physical alterations like crushing. So, the density of the metal in the can will not change due to the crushing process.

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The density does not change.

How can you change density of a substance?

You can change the density of a substance by changing its volume. Density is equivalent to mass over volume. So changing the volume affects density.

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Density Dependent

Is Change in the number of predators density dependent or density independent?

Density Dependent

How can you change the density?

Gases can change their volume and that causes the density to change. Liquids and solids are practically incompressible. Their volume change under pressure is such a small amount that their density changes very little if at all.

How can you change the overall density of an object?

In a simple way, since density = mass /volume, the density of an object can be changed by changing either mass or volume of an object .

When mass and volume change what happens to the density?

When mass increases and volume stays constant, the density increases. When volume increases and mass stays constant the density decreases. When they both change, then the density will depend on the rate of change of mass and the rate of change of volume.