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Gravity doesn't make a pendulum stop. Air resistance and friction in the pivot are the

things that rob its energy. If you could eliminate those and leave it all up to gravity,

the pendulum would never stop.

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Q: How does gravity affect the pendulum to stop?
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Related questions

Does force affect a pendulum?

A pendulum is affected by the force of gravity.

Does a pendulum ever stop?

yes. because of friction and gravity

What variables affect the swing of a pendulum?

-- friction in the pivot -- air moving past the pendulum -- the effective length of the pendulum -- the local acceleration of gravity

Why does a pendulum set in motion eventually stop?

Because of both air resistance and gravity that pulls the pendulum down.

Does the length of pendulum affect the period of vibration?

Yes. Given a constant for gravity, the period of the pendulum is a function of it's length to the center of mass. In a higher gravity, the period would be shorter for the same length of pendulum.

Why is a pendulum not a reliable time standard?

The pendulum is not a reliable time standard mostly because of friction and gravity. To be a reliable time standard, a pendulum would need to form a continuous arc that did not deviate over time. Gravity is always trying to get the pendulum to stop and friction causes the pendulum's fulcrum to resit continued movement. Eventually, a pendulum will stop moving and remain stationary unless acted upon by an external force.

Why does accerlation due to gravity affect the period of a pendulum?

The period of a pendulum is give approximately by the formula t = 2*pi*sqrt(l/g) where l is the length of the pendulum and g is the acceleration (not accerlation) due to gravity. Thus g is part of the formula for the period.

What 3 variables that might affect the number of cycles the pendulum makes in 15 seconds?

The length of the pendulum, the angular displacement of the pendulum and the force of gravity. The displacement can have a significant effect if it is not through a small angle.

Why does a pendulum have periodic motion?

Gravity acts on the pendulum.

What are the factors that affect the period of a pendulum?

In an ideal pendulum, the only factors that affect the period of a pendulum are its length and the acceleration due to gravity. The latter, although often taken to be constant, can vary by as much as 5% between sites. In a real pendulum, the amplitude will also have an effect; but if the amplitude is relatively small, this can safely be ignored.

How does the amplitude of the pendulum affect the pendulum?

It messes up the math. For large amplitude swings, the simple relation that the period of a pendulum is directly proportional to the square root of the length of the pendulum (only, assuming constant gravity) no longer holds. Specifically, the period increases with increasing amplitude.

How does height affect the period of a pendulum?

Height does not affect the period of a pendulum.