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you divide regularly but since both numbers are negatives the answer is positive

example -5 divided by -9 equals 45

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Q: How does it work when a negative number is divided by another negative number?
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Will a negative number divided by a negative number equal a positive number?

Yes. Good work.

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Does division always mean smaller Why?

No. For example, 5 divided by 0.5 is equal to 10. In general, assuming you work with positive numbers only, if you divide by a number GREATER than one, the result will be less than the original number; if you divide by a number LESS than one, the result will be larger than the original number.

How do you work out how to times a positive number by a negative number?

A positive number times a positive number will always get you a positive number A negative number times a negative number will always get you a positive number (same signs will get you a positive number) but A positive number times a negative number will always get you a negative number or A negative number times a positive number will always get you a negative number (different signs will get you a negative number)

Why does a negative divided by a negative give a positive result?

It's saying subtract a negative number, so take away from something that negative is adding something positive. Think about it like this, If you have a number 5, and someone says to you take away from 5 negative 2, you'd have 7. If what you subtract from something is negative, you gain. I know it may not make sense, but think about it for a bit and I'm sure you'll get it, if not, just remember to do it when you're doing your work.

Is the number positive if the power is negative?

It does not work that way. A negative power is simply the reciprocal. So that x-a = 1/xa The reciprocal is negative or positive according to whether the number itself is negative or positive. [And, if the number is 0, the reciprocal is not defined.]

How do you work out the reciprocal on a calculator?

To find the reciprocal of a number, calculate [1] [divided by] [the number].

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How do you estimate a percentage when the denominator is a negative number?

Work the problem the same as usual, but then prefix the answer with the appropriate sign. First perform the division--numerator divided by the denominator--without regard to the sign. The sign of your answer depends on the combination of the signs of the numerator, the denominator, and the fraction itself. * If there are an even number of minus signs, the answer is positive. * If there are an odd number of minus signs, the answer is negative. * If there are an no minus signs, the answer is positive.

How do you multiply two negative numbers and a positive number?

you work left to right

How do you work with negative integers?

Multiply the integer by -1 this makes the number positive.

How do you determine which number is a prime number?

you try and work out if there are any other numbers that number can be divided by besides 1 and itself.