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Q: How does the angle of the suns rays make the insolation more intense?
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How does the angle of insolation of sunlight affect energy concentration?

The higher the angle of insolation (concentration), the more direct sunlight. Think that you have a light bulb lightening up a small bathroom and when its lightening up any other place like a big room ,the intensity is less so you get less light than the bathroom.

Why does the angle of insolation change between midday and evening and how does this affect the air temperature?

The angle of insolation is the angle the sun's rays hit a given surface on Earth measured from the horizon up to the position of the sun. The steep angle of the sun at midday allows the maximum amount of infrared to reach you, and you perceive this as heat. In the morning and the evening, the light must pass through a much greater distance of atmosphere, more heat is absorbed in the atmosphere, which never reaches you.

What does the temperature do as the angle of insolation increases?

The temperature goes up because when the angle of insolation increases, it means that the sun's rays are becoming more directly focused on that area. That makes it hotter.For example, the equator is very hot. That's because that's where the sun's rays focus on most directly.The day is warm, and the night is cold.Summer is hot all day long if the angle of the sun is direct.YEARS:Summer = DirectWinter = IndirectFall/Spring = Half

What is intense as a verb?

When used as a verb, "intense" typically means to make something more intense or to increase the strength or degree of a particular action or feeling.

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What were Georges Seurat aims as an artist?

To make colors more intense and glowing.

Why do some people put their arms up on roller coasters?

To make it more intense.

What angle with a measure of 92 degrees?

Obtuse angle (here is the formula) -: 90° = Right angle and if you don't know the obtuse angle is more than 90° so adding 2 will make it an obtuse angle.

What is the supplement of a acute angle?

First, an acute angle is an Angle that is less than a right angle (<90°) Secondly, an obtuse angle is one that is more than a right angle but less then a straight angle (<180°) then, the complementary angles of a pair of angles is 90° or a Right angle and the complement of an acute angle is the amount needed of an unknown angle (against known angles) to make 90° or a right angle a supplementary angle are a pair of angles which, when Added together, make 180° or a straight line. and the suplement to an angle is the value of an unknow angle to to be added on to make 180°

Where is the sun's energy more spread out?

The sun's energy spreads out the farther the distance from the sun.

How did the Brest-Litovsk Treaty affect the fighting on the Western Front?

it make fighting more intense on the western front.

Which is more intense the UV rays or the IV rays?

UV ray is more intense. IR rays are less.